Crestala Fencing Centre

Galvanised Nails

Tax included.

Using hot-dip Galvanised Nails is one of the steps needed to extend the life of any fence.

We supply a range of galvanised nails suitable for all types of fencing or general use.
If you are unsure what length or gauge nails to use, please get in touch with our Sales Team, who will be happy to help and advise you.

Length/Diameter: 150mm x 6.00mm
Quantity: 1 Kg
Container: Bag

Pickup available at Crestala Fencing Centre

Pickup Availability Close
  • Crestala Fencing Centre
    Pickup available,

    South Farm Lane, Langton Green
    Tunbridge Wells TN3 9JN
    United Kingdom


Key Features
  • All our Nails are hot dip Galvanised.
  • Available in handy 1-kg bags or 5-kg Tubs.
    Tubs are not available for all sizes.
Anticipated Lead Time
Stocked items
Product Specifications
Materials:Hot dip galvanised steel nails
How to Use

Insert the nails by hitting squarely on the nail head with a hammer.

Also available are a selection of galvanised staples and Paslode-style collated nails.

As an alternative to nails, you can use external wood screws for many applications, although pre-drilling may be required.

Measuring & Quantity Calculations

Available in 1-kg bags or 5-kg Tubs.
Tubs are not available for all sizes.

Installation Tips

This tip sounds a bit contrary to what you would normally think, but it really does work.

Tap the nail point onto a piece of hard scrap metal to flatten it. This reduces the risk of the wood splitting when the nail is hammered into place.

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